Friday, May 8, 2009

Decisions Decisions

Do you ever feel like there are just too many choices. I do. Like when Seth has to go to the bathroom at Isaac's basketball game... public restrooms are repulsive and even more so when you are potty training. So I chose to take him to the restroom (mistake number one) and mostly only because Brianna had to go too. As soon as we enter the stall he says look mom someone peed on the seat and of course being the two year old that he is puts his finger right in it....urgggg Then I wash his hands reminding my self that next time I think I will take a wipe to the toilet before he notices anything tangible... Then when he finishes up and washes his hands yes second time now, he runs out of the bathroom and right onto the court in the middle of the basketball game right toward the ball.... oh I run onto the court after him then it is even more of a disruption prego lady snatching up toddler in the middle of the game.. I let it go, hoping for some other option.. There to the rescue on the other side was my sister who ran after him and snatched him quickly off the court. Who knew all that training would pay off for me. I do like it when I chose to not make a choice and it turns out okay for me cause really there are just too many decisions to make on a regular basis.


Kelly said...

The toilet thing is sick! We really do need to get together very soon. we need to celebrate your birthday!

Monica said...

I was at the foyer of the T.O. stake bldg for a packed stake conference when a little boy came parading stripped down completely with one inside out pant leg attached at the ankle, shoes, socks, and other clothing in hand. He was just about to enter the chapel, when I helped him before his mother learned it wasn't such a good idea to send a 3-year-old to the bathroom by himself.

You did great. The public bathroom situation is always a challenge with the little ones. This too shall pass.

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Most days I love my life even in the moments things aren't pretty I usually find that I can learn something from them