run run run run run run run run and just when you feel like you can't any more run some more This is a photo of Tiffany my sister and I (no makeup) just before we took off to run 26.2 miles.(well I jogged she ran) Rob doesn't understand. When I was just a child my Dad took me on my first run. I have never been fast even as a child my little brother came in long before me but there is a bit of excitement as you watch the time clock and realize that you have finished something. Another motivator may have been my mother telling me if you run like that you won't ever have to worry about what you eat.Liar am I going to hell for just calling my mother a liar? While I am on the subject I cried about my freckles once and she told me they would go away when I got older didn't happen.
Anyways back to the run (jog). It was great. The canyon was absolutely breath taking. I was a little snippy at Kim once because I was thinking she was considering turning into her drill sargent personal trainer mode and I just really wanted to take in the moment and not worry about performance since I knew my time was not going to be impressive I figured I might as well bask in the experience.And bask I did I figure I got almost two more hours of the experience than most people. She was slow to offense Thank heavens and left me when I stopped for one of my many bathroom breaks. Lets just say the pasta dinner the night before was a big mistake! I loved the first half of the marathon and felt great at my slow but steady pace I was great until about 20 miles in and then I just wanted to be done. The last 6.2 were tough and had I not had memories of Ginger and my sister there to pull me through the last mile I might have quite. That is right 26.2 is not enough for Tiffany she has to add on another mile to find her snail of a sister and almost drag her through to the finish line. Just kidding it was so nice to have her there with me cause really it was the accomplishment of a goal I have had since I was a child.
It was a great weekend even aside from the marathon.
1.I got to shop (a whole different experience without kids tugging on your legs and asking to go to the bathroom or when they are going to get to go to the sweet factory because they are being so good),
2. eat, I did eat and eat and eat I figured I was running a marathon (I even had the nerve to be disappointed I didn't lose any weight when I stepped on the scale after returning home)It is my mom's fault that Lie coming to haunt me once again!
3.I got to listen to Keri and Tiffany banter they go back and forth at each other like sisters
4.I recieved a priesthood blessing the night before the race from someone Tiffany asked that was completely inspired. She was blessed with speed and I was blessed with endurance... Do you think he could have picked up on that from our physical appearance??? I have to go with the fact that he honored his preisthood and was completely inspired. Kim's blessing was also very insightful and personalized (Keri already had one from her husband).
5.I actually got to sleep 5 full nights in a row (that hasn't happened in a long time since I work nights)
My only disappointment I came home and don't look like Shannon...again my mother lied you still have to watch what you eat well at least you do if you want to look like Shannon and who doesn't :) Marathons are very very long but what an experience...I wish Cherry had been there but I do understand her reasons for declining. {Training time mostly}
That is so awesome! What a huge accomplishment! I am so proud of you, I know it was hard:) Now you can say your a marathon runner. Cool!
That IS awesome! YOU GO GIRL!
I'm so proud of you and what a great post. You are so blesses to have a sister who will run back for you and rub it in. ;) I kid. Thats awesome to have shared that experience with her. I'm sorry your Mom lied to you about freckles... I told Brandon they were angel kisses and he would get mad at people if they told him different.... do you think I'm going to hell for having lied to my child? :) I'm a little bummed that you have more the one Keri in your life.
Great job, Natalie! You're very inspiring. It ALMOST (but not quite) made me want to run a marathon. But then I remembered that there was RUNNING involved, and my sanity came back to me. You're awesome!
Congrats on the HUGE run. That is awesome! I know I could never make it that far.
Congratulations on reaching your goal! What an amazing feat and to run side by side your sis is the best! It really touches me that you ran with memories of Ginger. I know she was cheering you on.
Good for you Natalie. I miss you so much! All that matters is that you didn't give up and you finnished the race! You are an inspiration!
Awesome job!!! Now when the lands of the world all join up, you can run to Australia!!!
You are incredible! How inspiring to set that goal and reach it. I am SO BUMMED that I had to miss that girls night. Our banquet ended late...and please don't tell me it went to the weee hours because I will be even sadder.
Just one more reason I think you rock! Amazing!
Just so you know, you have totally inspired me. Even thinking about getting ready to run a marathon is scary, and you actually went out and did it. Congratulations and tell Rob you're not crazy, you're determined, goal-oriented and awesome!
CONGRATULATIONS NATALIE! That is so awesome. It takes some serious mental and physical determination to run a marathon. I wish you lived closer so we could run together! Kisses!
You are amazing. Just thinking about running makes me tired. Just thinking about you running makes me tired. Anyway I can't remember how I came across your blog, but somehow I found you. You can check us out at
Keep up the hard work.
Natalie, you are amazing. I am proud of you. I don't think many of us could do it.
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